Collaborative research and Core Facilities powered by technology
Facilitating win-win research collaborations
Providing core services including for supporting grant writing, biostatistics, data analysis, implementation research, co-mentored research collaborations, multi-center/country clinical trials, win-win collaborations to develop low-cost technologies and approaches to increase access and affordability of better value cancer care, etc
Our Research App features many ongoing activities and services including: multi-center/multi-country clinical trials; core facilities (for implementation research, data analysis, grant writing, quality assurance, statistics, etc); co-mentored research opportunities; micro-grants to seed research collaborations between USA investigators and collaborators in low-and-middle income countries
Hypofractionated radiotheapy
Leading collaborative clinical trials on hypofractionated radiotherapy and radioimmunotherapy to increase access to care
Hypofractionated radiotherapy (HFRT), can significantly increase access to radiotherapy by reducing the overall duration of time (in days) each person spends being treated. The C4 is designed to support multicentre studies on applying HFRT for different cancers involving oncology leaders in different institutions/countries
Research collaboration seed grants with support of diaspora and orther organizations
Regular funding opportunities to get seed funding to start a collaboration involving USA and other country institution researchers. Seed-funding helps to catalyze win-win collaborations towards publishing and securing more external funding for sustained collaborations